Where__ Mr and Mrs Green? A is B are

Where__ Mr and Mrs Green? A is B are

Here MR and Mrs Green denote two people, so we use the complex are to modify it
Absolutely right!

( ) 1.Mrs Green is ______ mother.They are ______ .A Lucy and Lily’s; twins B Lucy’s and Lily’
( ) 1.Mrs Green is ______ mother.They are ______ .
A Lucy and Lily’s; twins B Lucy’s and Lily’s; twins’
C Lucy and Lily’s; twin D Lucy’s and Lily’s; twins
( ) 2.What about something ____
A eat B drink C to eat D get
( ) 3.—is your new English teacher?
-- The man under the tree,he is with Miss Gao.
A Where B Which C Whose D What
( ) 4.Turn ____ the TV.I want to see the old film.
A on B off C to D in
( ) 5.It’s good to be in ____ In summer
A black B white C orange D dark blue
( ) 6.Americans speak _____ ,you know.
A Chinese B Japanese C English D American
( ) 7.-- _____ is the weather like today?
-- It’s rainy.
A What B How C When D Why
( ) 8.____ Can I go to the police station____ way shall I go?
A What; which B How; what C How; which D how; what
( ) 9.The two girls are twins._____ names are Lucy and Lily.
A their B They’re C Their D Theirs
( ) 10.My father ____ English now.
A reads B reading C is reading D read


( )33.—Mr and Mrs White live _____ in a big house.—_____ they have a son
( )33.—Mr and Mrs White live _____ in a big house.
—_____ they have a son but he works in America now.
A.lonely; Actual B.alone; Actual
C.lonely; Actually D.alone; Actually

Actually, actually, actually, actually