This pair of glasses ― mine

This pair of glasses ― mine


This pair of glasses isn't mine.
Keep the original meaning
This pair of glasses __________ ___________ __________ me.

isn't belongs to

This pair of socks___ mine( is,am ,were)

Correct: the central word of is is pair, reflecting the singular, so choose is

Eating more vegetables is good for you

Eating more vegetables is good for you.=
It is good for you to eat more vegetables.

eating( )food is good for you.

Healthy food: healthy food
It's good for you to eat healthy food
To a higher level! (⊙ o ⊙)

Eating more vegetables is good for your health
Rewriting of consent sentences

It is good for your health to eat more vegetables.

Outdoor a( ) are very good for our health
Complete the sentence according to the meaning and initials

Outdoor activities are good for our health

Fruit and vegetables are good for our health

Good for sth
Maybe you're wondering why you don't use health
Then look
Our is possessive, which means our
It's our health, not our health
Health table is healthy, the sentence is not smooth
It depends on grammar
If you don't understand, just ask~

(2) Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when mo
1.We have to develop good eating habits because____.
A.we have to eat more.
B.we want to enjoy our meals
C.we want to be healthy and strong
D.we want to save time
2.____may take away our appetite before we have our meal.
A.Either meat or rice
B.Neither sweets not ice-cream
C.Not only meat but also rice
D.Both sweets and ice-cream
3.We had better have our meals____.
A.when our work is over the same time each day
C.when the meal is still hot
D.when we go back home
4.A man who is angry has____.
A.a better appetite
B.a poor appetite eat more food eat dry bread
5.The judges in old England considered that a man could___if he told a lie.
A.swallow dry bread easily a lot of dry bread
C.drink milk or hot water
D.hardly swallow dry bread
For the exam tomorrow,

1、C 2、D 3、B 4、B 5、D
This is reading comprehension? Some questions are supposed to read articles, but in principle, they should be the answers

( )(run) is very good for our health
The cleaning up of consolidated tables is carried out by the

Running, gerund as subject