A synonym for lots of, a synonym for box, an antonym for come, an antonym for right, and a related word for pencil

A synonym for lots of, a synonym for box, an antonym for come, an antonym for right, and a related word for pencil

So many, a synonym of lots of
The synonym case of box
The antonym go of come
The antonym left of right
Pen, pencil box

Synonym antonym 5555
Write synonyms for the following words
Delay in deliberation
The secret of Guanbao's doubts
Write the synonyms and antonyms in the following words
A synonym for timidity
Antonym: weakening, delaying

Synonyms: negotiation -- negotiation -- refusal -- delay -- extension of custody -- custody doubt -- doubt
Secrets - Privacy
Synonym: timidity --- timidity --- resistance --- flight --- ride
Antonym: weaken --- strong delay --- punctual delay --- immediate
Is this ok?

Delicious little thinner outside
Such as the title

tasty least thinner inside
But the second and third are uncertain