What is the meaning of "then" in this English sentence

What is the meaning of "then" in this English sentence

In this kind of sentence, "then" has the meaning of causality logic. The content of the first sentence makes the content of the second sentence to be realized or the continuation of the first sentence has the meaning of "then; next; then"

Those verbs after the third person singular should be in the form of S

In addition to the verbs after modal verbs, past tense, perfect tense and interrogative sentences
The rest is usually added s
I've only learned so much at present, but your question doesn't exceed the too difficult standard

Do I would like to add the verb ing
Please explain in detail

Followed by a noun or infinitive
example sentence:
I would like you to find out about it
I would like to cash this check, please

I'd like is followed by the verb "ing"

to do
You can't take the form

What form of verb is usually added after like
When to add the infinitive after like and when to add ing

Like doing sth. and like to do sth. have the same meaning, but different usages. The former emphasizes general hobbies or indicates habitual and regular actions; the latter indicates one-time and accidental actions. For example: he likes playing football, but he doesn't like to play football

I like (verb prototype or verb ing form)

I like to do something
To a higher level! (⊙ o ⊙)

If the verb after "like" is "all adding" ing "?
If like is followed by two verbs, such as run and swim, do you add ing to both of them, or do you add the first one and the second one?
Why? I like play computer games?

It depends on the situation. If it is completed or general, it should be added swimming.He I like playing computer games, but I like to play football with you this

Do you want to add ing after "tried"

"Tried" is the past tense of "try". It is used the same way as "try". There are two forms when it is followed by a verb
Try doing sth
Try to do sth

In this case, do you want to add ing?
For example, ask a question, what are your responsibilities?
Answer: keep contact with others or keeping contact with others?
What did you do in your extracurricular activities?
Is the answer: join some activities or joining some activities?

1) In oral conversation, keep contact with others is OK. If it's written, it depends on the structure of your whole sentence
2) It should be joined some activities

What are the usages of AM is are?

I am
we/they/you are
he/she/it is