Am is are followed by a verb

Am is are followed by a verb


Why is am is are called be verb in English? Which point has something to do with be? What word is be?

Am is are is the form of be, be is the prototype

When is the verb "be" written in the form of "am is are"`

I am
Both the third person singular and the specific thing singular use is
The plural of person and thing
The auxiliary verb is followed by the original form be

When to use be, when to use am, is, are, was, were in a sentence?
When does the word be appear in the sentence?

Am, is, are are used in the simple present tense, am with the first person I; is with the third person he, she, it; are with the second person you, or with the third person plural they

When to use be (am, is, are) in a sentence

Sentence patterns that need to use the verb be:
1, progressive present / past / future progressive be +
I am watching TV
2. Subject + be verb + adjective
She is beautiful
3. Subject + be verb + article + noun
She is a teacher
4. Passive subject + be verb + past participle + / by + something (optional)
I was robbed (by a gang)
5, noun + to be = be mean to
Example: it is to be done by tomorrow = it is mean / required to be done by tomorrow

When to use be in English and what is not to use am is are

You can use be instead of AM is are in the following situations, such as you must be a student. I can be a superstar

When to use prototype be and when to use am is are. I'm a beginner of English. For example, he will be happy

Modal verbs such as will can must shall are followed by the original form of the verb
If the subject is directly followed by be, the original be will not be used, but am is are
First person singular followed by am
Third person singular followed by is
The first, second and third person plural is followed by are

When should we use the verb be (is, am, are) in English?
It's best to illustrate with examples!

I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are (abbreviated I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're), (negative abbreviated I'm not, isn't, are't), past tense I was, you were, he was, we were, you were, they were (abbreviated wasn't, were't), past participle be, present participle being, English "be" is a special verb, In addition to be, there are seven other forms of be: am, is, are, be, being, was and were. In a sentence, be can be the principal verb or the auxiliary verb, The man is a science teacher. 2. Mary's new dresses are natural. 3. I have been there before. 4. Mother is in the kitchen now, 5. Is the man a science teacher? 6. Are Mary's new dresses natural? 7. Have I been there before? 8. Is mother in the kitchen now, "Be" has two abbreviations, as follows: 12. He's not. / he isn't.13. You're not. / you are't, "Be + present participle" is used to form continuous tenses, such as: 15. Tony's maid is waiting his new car. 16. The children are playing in the field. 17. Samuel was eating when I am in. 18. We have been living here since 1959. [2.] be + past participle is used to form the passive voice, such as: 19. Her money in the drawer was stolen.20.A number of good jobs are taken up byforeigners.21.David studied in Taiwan but has been trained as a language lecturer in America.22.Can all the wonderful birds be found in our Bird Park?23.The disobedient boy was told to stand out- side the classroom.24.Steps are being taken to reduce traffic con- gestion during peak hours.25.Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with.

In English, we use is are am can does
What( ) you do?
( )there playing ping-pong?Yes,there are.
What( )Mike like?
This ( )Tom.
What( )Tom doing?
What ( ) you doing?
My brother ( )doing his homework.

[reference answer]
What【can】 you do?
【Are】they playing ping-pong?Yes,they are.
What【does】Mike like?
What【is】Tom doing?
What 【are】you doing?
My brother 【is】doing his homework.

The usage of AM is are

The usage of be verb (am, is, are)
The formula: I use am, you use are, is with him (he) she (she) it (it). Singular all use is, plural all use are. Change question, be premise, don't abandon the question mark at the end of the sentence; change negative, easier, be not forget, doubt negative, let you change, the first capital don't hesitate