What are the relationships among auxiliary verbs, action verbs, modal verbs, transitive verbs and intransitive verbs in English? Please answer in detail. Thank you!

What are the relationships among auxiliary verbs, action verbs, modal verbs, transitive verbs and intransitive verbs in English? Please answer in detail. Thank you!

For example, in interrogative sentences and negative sentences: do you like music? Do is an auxiliary verb

English modal verbs and auxiliary verbs
How to distinguish words that even modal verbs are auxiliary verbs, such as will, would, etc
It's better to talk about the essential difference between the two, which is an effective way to distinguish them. Thank you

One of the most important differences between auxiliary verbs and modal verbs is that auxiliary verbs themselves have no meaning, while modal verbs have their own meaning, which can express the speaker's views on relevant actions or states, or express subjective assumptions

The usage of modal verbs and auxiliary verbs in English
There should be examples and formulas
For example:
would like:would like to do;
had bettet:had bettet do;
It's better to give some more confusing formulas
such as
can`t help doing;
be\get used to doing;
look forward to doing;
Note: if the above is the second year of junior high school, my final exam will be useful

feel like doing
had better=would better
used to do
be used to doing
found/look/watch/see/hear do/doing
Need to do need is a verb
Need doing need is now used as passive
Need do need is a modal verb
That should be all. If there is more, please forgive me for not looking for it
After all, I don't have a book

Right homonym antonym left four homonym here antonym
The antonym of left the homonym of four the antonym of here


For English homonym, agree word, antonym each five groups of words

Homonym: there they are here white writethrough high agree: nice pretty good wellright correctsad unhanpyhigh low antonym: sad happy correct incorrect unhappy unable poly implement

Homonyms: pear, hear, antonyms here, same,

Antonym: here, there
Same, different
Homonyms: pear, pair, pear
Hear, hear, hear, hear, hear, hear
I've been thinking about it for a long time. Can you give me a score?

Write the corresponding word or antonym of the word

(1)last (2)study (3)on (4)near (5)keep

Write antonyms and corresponding words
your his ours hers I yes in he old photo this student here go aunt black right big ask those daughter father man girl sister Mr (put on) (get up)

yes____ no
in____ out
he____ she
old___ new/young
this___ that
go_____ come/remain/stay
aunt___ uncle
black__ white
right__ left/ wrong
big__ little/small
ask___ answer/reply
those__ these
daughter__ son
father___ mother
man__ beast /woman
girl___ boy
sister__ brother
Mr__ Ms
put on__ take off
I hope I can help you

Antonyms or equivalents in English
behind quiet ugly give out bad warm man curly left clean tall thin expensive late frendly

behind --after quiet --noisy ugly--beautiful give--accept out--in bad--good warm--cool man--woman curly--straight left--right clean--dirty tall--short thin--thick expensive--cheap late--early friendly--unfriendly

Antonym or equivalent of right
Such as the title

Right left
Right wrong