What other words do verbs and nouns have? For example, I want to know what other words are besides verbs and nouns. I'm Chinese, not English. I want all the words. It would be great if I could explain the meaning and characteristics of each word again. If I could, I'd like to ask you to give some examples for each word

What other words do verbs and nouns have? For example, I want to know what other words are besides verbs and nouns. I'm Chinese, not English. I want all the words. It would be great if I could explain the meaning and characteristics of each word again. If I could, I'd like to ask you to give some examples for each word

1. Noun: a word indicating the name of a thing, such as heaven, earth, book and person. 2. Verb: a word indicating behavior (including psychological activities), such as playing, singing, speaking, laughing and thinking. 3. Adjective: a word used to modify a noun, Such as: beautiful, happy, dark, wet, fat, big, small. 4. Tense auxiliary: words expressing time state: Zhe, Le, Guo; 5. Structural auxiliary: De, Di, de; 6. Modal auxiliary: words expressing mood at the end of sentence, such as: Ma, NE, Ba, Shan, Yi, Yan, ya, ah; 7. Numeral: words expressing number, For example, one, two, three, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand; 8. Quantifiers: words indicating the unit of things, Preposition: ruzai, Xiang, dui, Dang; pronoun (including personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun) you, me, he, you, we, them; this, that, here, there; where, who, which. (4, 5, 6 can be combined as auxiliary words. These are written by my memory without looking through the data, There is another kind of adverb, that is, the words expressing range and degree, such as: better, best, most, all, all, all, etc

What are the nouns and verbs of invitation

Vivite verb
Noun of activitation

How to say missing in English, he said all the nouns and verbs,
