What are the rules of English Adjectives changing into verbs, verbs changing into adjectives, nouns changing into verbs, and verbs changing into adjectives

What are the rules of English Adjectives changing into verbs, verbs changing into adjectives, nouns changing into verbs, and verbs changing into adjectives

It is suggested to check the grammar book for the suffix - ly - ness - less - ing, etc

What are verbs, nouns and adjectives in English
Until one of them told me

The words that give out actions are called verbs: walk, run, jump, do
A noun is a name: schoolbag, desk, computer
Adjectives: words describing nouns: beautiful schoolbag, clean desk, brand new computer
Hope to help you understand, a little vernacular

What are the rules of verb to noun?

A verb can be used as a gerund by adding ing, followed by a preposition or the beginning of a sentence. A verb can also be used as a noun by adding a suffix, such as collect and ion