Is there a singular or plural noun or an uncountable noun after the other, the other, the other

Is there a singular or plural noun or an uncountable noun after the other, the other, the other

Ask someone else. Put it in your other hand. When the other refers to one of two people or things, you can only use the other, not the other daughters.One is a nurse,the ...

What is another plus noun equal to other

The other can only follow the singular
Use other in the plural, such as five other students

How to distinguish the other, the other, the other? What sentences are they used in? What words are they used before?

Another can also be used as a pronoun with the same meaning as an adjective. The other can be used as both a form and a pronoun

v. (verb) when to add ing and what are the circumstances

Generally, this kind of collocation belongs to the unique usage of individual verbs, so it needs to be accumulated at ordinary times. But in junior high school, there are many common predicates in the form of adding ing: keep / enjoy / mind / practice / like / admit / deny / miss / suggest / finish, etc

When do you double write the last letter and add ing?

If a word is stressed and closed syllable, it is necessary to double write the last letter plus ing. Generally, words with only one vowel must be stressed syllable, and words with vowel and consonant ending are closed syllable words

1. Also, what vowel starts with an? Is that vowel the five vowels? But sometimes it doesn't sound like a vowel, but it needs an. For example, apple... Isn't he / AE /? Isn't he a e i o u
2. When should English verbs be written in double when they are + ing?

Special problems, special solutions. But I think you should be a junior high school student. Generally, a e io u starts with an, except A. hour
When the penultimate letter in front of a verb is a vowel, and there is only one vowel, 80% of the verbs should write double + ing

What is the accusative case in English? If there is a verb in the accusative case of a word in a sentence, what should we pay attention to when using this verb

Jim loves me, but do I love him? Jim loves me, but do I love him

When should I add ing to the first verb of a sentence
For example, taking care of your business
Sometimes the beginning of the sentence verbs do not use how to distinguish it

Swimming in the lake is dangerous. According to the grammatical structure, the subject is a noun or a word that can be used as a noun, such as a gerund

What do you want to add after "like" in English?
Please give an example


What word to add in English, such as noun plus verb, preposition plus verb, the more the form, the better

This problem is what you should remember when you learn English, and it is also a part of the most basic things that teachers teach. It is suggested to buy a junior high school English grammar book. It is very detailed, and then is the accumulation of learning in the future
For example, there can't be two verbs in a sentence. The preposition is followed by a noun, the infinitive structure is to plus the original verb, the verb is followed by an adverb xxxly, the noun can't appear alone, the comparative grade is the same thing, and so on
If you can speak English clearly, you will learn English well. It's not a process that anyone can learn