The difference between another one, more one, the other one, the other one

The difference between another one, more one, the other one, the other one

Another one without scope
One more, one more, one more
The other one
Another one

Else another more

"Else" and "other" both mean "other", but "else" can only be placed after the modified noun, while "other" is only in front of the noun
Could ypu like another?
Three more books. Three more books. Three more books. Three more books. Three more books
Glad to answer for you!
Thank you for your question!

use one.the Other and one of sentence patterns with plural nouns
Make two of each
Let me know by 22 o'clock today

one.the other...He has two children.One is a worker,the other is a teacher.There are two pens on the desk.One is red,the other is of...One of my good friends is Jim.May I borrow one of the t...

The present tense he, she, it is followed by V and s, but what if the verb comes after it?
How to judge the subject is he she it?
Some sentences use the bank, the car, the child and studend

The subject is just me, he / she / it
He / she / it is the third person singular, so the verb form is the same, that is, add s
But if the subject is plural, the verb form is the same
Like the bank, the car is the third person singular
And the predicate verb of the children should use the original form, because children itself is a plural, the verb form should be consistent
In a word, just remember that the predicate verb is consistent with the subject form

What forms do he, she and it use when they are usually there

Third person singular form
In short, it's + s after the verb

Clean (verb form)

Past participle
Cleaning gerund
Third person singular

What is the present participle form of the verb "clean"?


Is the verb ending with O followed by s or es!

Words that end with the consonant - O,
The general situation is to add - es at the end of the word
For example: goes
In addition, the verb ending in O is followed by S

50 verbs ing and 50 verbs s
Please use this format: sing singsing

They are as follows: watch watching, take-taking, run running, wash washing, water-drinking, compress compressing, do-doing, see seeing, notice noting, pay paying, play playing, arrest arresting, get getting, perchase perchasing, hurt hurting, brush brushing, kid killing, sit – sitting; run – running; begin – beginning; forge – forgetting, remember-remembering,keep-keeping,carry-carrying,dance-dancing,drink-drinking,sleep-sleeping,give-giving,borrow-borrowing,lend-lending,repair-repairing,go-going,swim-swimming,break-breaking,rob-robbing,steal-stealing,make-making,chat-chatting,enjoy-enjoying,like-liking,love-loving,listen-listening,type-typing,think-thinking,miss-missing, learn-learning,speak-speaking,kiss-kissing,memorize-memorizing,be-being,refuse-refusing.
S / es are as follows: waters, does, works, plays, sings, dances, walks, types, speeches, talks, sobs, lenses, memories, enjoys, scores, reminders, forgets, happens, wonders, likes, dislikes, flies, shouts, understand, stands, turns, has, eats, books, starts, learning, beats, defends, extends, smiles, kisses, jumps, gets, poems, waters, gifts, lenses, lenses, lights, chats, worlds, makes, practices, cookies, wanders,looks,travels,jogs,keeps,waves,takes,cares.

Why do verbs sometimes change into ing, ED and es
Simple three form

She is watching TV. She is watching TV yesterday