What noun is added after another? Can the singular, uncountable and plural be used

What noun is added after another? Can the singular, uncountable and plural be used

Other apples can be counted, uncountable and plural. As long as it is a noun, it can mean another or some other apples. If it is another apples, it means that all the apples are regarded as a whole, and the other apples after another are regarded as a whole

Is there only a singular noun after another?

Another can be regarded as an indefinite article in front of an other
However, if it is used to mean "Zai, Duo", it can be followed by a numeral and the plural of a countable noun, such as another two weeks,
another three apples

Another + plural? Either + singular?

Another + plural noun

Three single verbs plus es, ies. List 30?

watch-watches; wash-washes; do-does carry-carries; worry-worries; study-studies fox→foxes church→churches
Thirty are hard to find

When is the verb followed by s or es?

Generally, the verb ends with s, x, CH, SH + es
But there are special cases, such as heroes, potato, tamatoes

Write the following verbs in the past tense in the third person
imagine memorize end cost repair go break pay

imagined imagines imaginingmemorized memorizes memorizingended ends endingcost costs costingrepaired repairs repairingwent goes goingbroke breaks breakingpaid pays paying