In English words, what are the words in which nouns, adjectives and adverbs change from each other Please list some more, thank you

In English words, what are the words in which nouns, adjectives and adverbs change from each other Please list some more, thank you

success successful successfully
careful carefully
quick quickly
slow slowly
There are many more that I can't remember for a moment

Kneel down for verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives of some English words
Kneel down to hope, important, interesting, comparative, understand, weak, satisfaction, use, ability, leap, confidence, dark, enjoy, die, fairness, good, hope, kind, love, konwe, greatest, fullness, empty, large, loud, responsibility, health, save, pie, thread, necessity, succeed, understanding, fail, warm, cold, productio n. The noun, verb, adjective and adverb of reason, regular, lucky, fright, American, attention, believe, control, continuity, ciean, depth, clear, care, system, consideration, centre, dependence, equal, special, talk, difference, simple, exist, educate, destroy, describe, distinguish, delicious, third are the same as the noun, verb, adjective and adverb of reason, regular, lucky, fright, American, attention, believe, control, continue,

Hope verb and noun, hope adjective, hope adverb
Important adjective, important adverb, import verb: Import
Interest adjective, interest verb and noun, interest adverb
Comparative adjective, comparative adverb, comparative verb, comparative NOUN
Understand verb, understand noun, understand adjective, understand adverb
A weak adjective, a weak verb, a weak noun, and a weak adverb
Satisfaction verb, satisfaction noun, satisfaction adjective, satisfaction adverb
Use verb and noun, use adjective, use adverb
Ability noun, able adjective, cheap adjective, cheaply adverb,
Confidence adjective, confidently adverb, confidence NOUN
Dark adjective, noun, darken adjective
Enjoy verb, adjective and adverb
Die verb, dead adjective, death noun, dead adverb
Fair noun, fair adjective, fair adverb, good adjective and noun
Kind adjective, kind adverb, love verb and noun, loved adjective, happy adverb
Known verb, known adjective, Madden verb, mad adjective, madly adverb
Full ness noun, full adjective, full adverb
Empty verb and adjective, large adjective, enlarger verb, large adverb
Loud adjective, loudly adverb, responsibility noun, responsible adjective, responsible adverb
Health noun, health adjective, health adverb
Save verb, safe adjective, safe adverb, play verb and noun,
Threaten noun, threaten verb, threatened adjective
Necessary verb, necessary adjective
Successful verb, successful noun, successful adjective, successful adverb
Under standing noun, fail verb, failure noun, warm adjective, warmth noun, warmly adverb
Cold adjectives and nouns, coldly adverbs, production nouns, produce verbs, productive adjectives, productive adverbs, rational nouns and verbs, rational adjectives, rational adverbs
Regular adjective, regular adverb, regular verb, regulation NOUN
Lucky adverb, lucky noun, lucky adjective
They are a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, American noun and adjective,
Attention noun, attention verb, attention adjective, attention adverb
Verb to believe, noun to believe, verb to control and noun, adjective to controlled
Continuity noun, continue verb, continuous adjective, continuously adverb
Clean adjectives and verbs, deep nouns, deep adjectives, deeply adverbs
Clear adjective, clear adverb, care noun and verb, careful adjective, carefuly adverb
System noun, systematic adjective, systematic adverb
A noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, an adverb
Center noun verb, dependency noun, independent adjective
Equal verbs and adjectives, equal nouns, equal adverbs
Special adjective, special verb, special ness noun
Talk nouns and verbs, talkative adjectives, talkative adverbs
Different noun, different adjective, different verb, different adverb
Similar adjective, similarly adverb, similarity noun, exist verb, existence noun
Education verb, education noun, destroy verb, destroyed adjective
Description verb, description noun, descriptive adjective, descriptive adverb
Discipline noun, differentiated adjective, delicious adjective, thirst noun, thirsty adjective

What are the noun adverb adjective of these words?
Compete NOUN________ ; NOUN________
Magic adjective________
Admission terms________
Physical adjectives________
Adjectives of intelligence________
True NOUN________ Adverb; adverb________
Choose NOUN________
Create NOUN________ ; adjective________
Born NOUN________
Protect NOUN________
Lose NOUN________
Suggest NOUN________
Effect adjective________
Apply NOUN________

competition competitor
truth truly
creation creative