Can the voltage at both ends of RC series circuit capacitor not be adjusted to equal to the supply voltage?

Can the voltage at both ends of RC series circuit capacitor not be adjusted to equal to the supply voltage?

Under the condition of AC power supply, the capacitor voltage lags the current by 90 degrees, while the resistance voltage is in phase with the current. In a simple way, VR ^ 2 + VC ^ 2 = V ^ 2 (VR resistance voltage, VC capacitor voltage, V total voltage of series circuit is the power supply voltage), the capacitor is smaller than the power supply voltage in any case
Of course, when the DC current is stabilized, the current is zero, and the capacitor voltage is naturally equal to the supply voltage

When RLC series resonant circuit resonates, why are UL and UC larger than uo?

When the capacitive reactance and inductive reactance of capacitance and inductance are equal, the circuit can resonate. Because the capacitive reactance and inductive reactance are equal, they cancel each other in the series circuit, leaving only the impedance. At this time, the current is the largest, that is, I = u / R, which is the current of the series circuit

In RLC series circuit, UL = 12V, UC = 12V, ur = 2V, u =?

In series circuit, the current is equal everywhere. In RLC series circuit, the current of R, l and C is equal
The voltage and current phases of resistance R
The voltage of inductance L is 90 ° ahead of the current
The voltage hysteresis current of capacitor C is 90 degrees
That is: the phase of the voltage of inductance L is opposite to that of capacitor C, and the amplitude is exactly the same. Therefore, the voltage of inductance L and capacitor C cancel each other. U = ur = 2V

Whether the output voltage is equal to the input voltage at resonance in RLC circuit and the reason is analyzed

If l and C are ideal components, the output voltage and input voltage are equal and in phase at resonance
If l and C are not ideal components, the current will produce a certain voltage drop on the equivalent series resistance of inductor and capacitor respectively, which will lead to the output voltage and input voltage not equal, and the output voltage is always less than the output voltage, but they are in phase