How to calculate the quality factor of parallel resonant circuit?

How to calculate the quality factor of parallel resonant circuit?

Q = (1 / g) * (under radical (C / L))
Where G is the admittance of the shunt resistor

How to calculate the resonant frequency of an inductor in series with a capacitor in parallel with a capacitor

It can be regarded as two capacitors in parallel. First, the capacitance value of two capacitors in parallel is calculated, and then the resonance frequency is calculated with the inductance

Short circuit in the circuit can explain the characteristics of ammeter and voltmeter?

When the ammeter is short circuited, there is no current passing through, and the indication is 0
When the voltmeter is short circuited, the terminal may be directly connected with the power supply to measure the power supply voltage
If it is connected to a wire in a series circuit, the wire voltage is measured
If the power supply is directly connected to the wire, the voltmeter will be connected because the power supply is burnt out