Explore the characteristics of ammeter and voltmeter in series circuit and parallel circuit Urgent need

Explore the characteristics of ammeter and voltmeter in series circuit and parallel circuit Urgent need

In a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere, and the total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages of the consumers
Parallel circuit: the total voltage is equal to the voltage on each branch. The total current is equal to the sum of the currents on each branch

Try to use the characteristics of current in series circuit to explain why the ammeter must be connected in series in the circuit under test

Because the current in the series circuit is equal everywhere, i.e. I1 = I2, in the circuit with the ammeter in series, the current I (indication) passing through the ammeter is equal to the current I (string) passing through the circuit under test, i.e. I (indication) = I (string), but the resistance of the ammeter is almost negligible, which almost does not reduce the current of the original circuit

Can the quality factor of RLC series resonant circuit be equal to 2?

Q = reactive power / active power (Q quality factor)
2 seems to have no special significance. The Q value of a coil can be very high, RLC series resonance, and R can control the overall Q value. It should be OK to adjust to 2