If the reactive power Q of RLC series resonant circuit is?

If the reactive power Q of RLC series resonant circuit is?

At resonance, the reactive power is equal to 0
Because inductive reactance XL = capacitive reactance Xc, the circuit will start to vibrate. The series current is the same, so QL = - QC, so the total reactive power is 0

In a series circuit, the total power is equal to?

In series, u = U1 + U2, total power P = u, total I = (U1 + U2) I = u1i + u2i = P1 + P2
In parallel, itrotal = I1 + I2, total power ptotal = uitotal = u (I1 + I2) = ui1 + ui2 = P1 + P2
That is: the total electric power of series circuit and parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the power of each sub circuit

Which parameters of RLC series circuit will affect the resonant frequency of the circuit?

RC and LC oscillators are two different oscillation circuits with different principles and characteristics,
Just talking about the resonant frequency
The resonant frequency of RC should be equal to 1 / 2 * pi * r * C
LC is the reciprocal of L * C under 2 * pi * root