It, s a new toy bus

It, s a new toy bus

They are new toy buses.

The plural of a word a soft toy

some soft toys

What's the plural of toy?

Plus s

Is the s at the end of a plural word? Is it in front or in the middle? Can you give some examples of plural words

It's common to use the word at the end, because the word in front of it modifies the last noun
Some are added after the subject noun
In addition, if the modifier is woman or man, it should be plural
women doctors

Famous sayings, stories, meanings or good words and sentences about life
Good words and sentences!

Love life
Life is what I want; righteousness is what I want. You can't have both. It's also true to give up life and take righteousness. - - Meng Ke
The road of life is progressive, always going up the slope of the infinite spiritual triangle, nothing can stop him. - --- Lu Xun
Moving is life, quiet is happiness
Life is like flowing water. Only when he is rushing forward can he be beautiful and meaningful
Those who regard death as life are brave. - --- Zhuang Zhou
Originally, life only once, for everyone is precious
If you have a will, you will live even if you die. If you don't have a will, you will die even if you live
Fish born in water, die in water; vegetation born in earth, die in earth; born in Tao, die in Tao. - - Hu Hong
I always feel that life itself should have a kind of meaning, and we will not come here for nothing. - -- Xi Murong
We walk step by step, walk steadfastly, never resist the burden of life, is a brave. To suddenly look back on that moment, life must give us a fair answer and a happy mood, then the mountain and water, and return to the mountain is water, and life has passed, what a beautiful autumn
Happy is the man who knows and loves life
It is impossible to live twice, but many people are not good at living once. - --- lucette
My life has always maintained such a belief, the meaning of life is to give, to give, not to accept, nor to strive for
Respect for life, respect for others and respect for one's own life is a companion in the process of life, and also a condition of mental health
There are two tragedies in life: one is despair, the other is complacency
Life is like chess. If you make a mistake, you lose everything. - -- Freud
Respect life, respect life completely
Today is life - the only life you can know for sure. Make use of today to make yourself interested in something, shake yourself up, cultivate a hobby, let the wind of enthusiasm sweep past you, and live today with high interest. - -- Carnegie
Life is the only wealth. - -- Laski
Life can be calculated not only by years, but also by events
He who knows the true meaning of life can prolong a short life. - -- Cicero
Sometimes I think how wonderful it would be for people to regard every day of their lives as the last day of their lives. That would show the value of life even more. - -- Helen Keller
Life is gone forever! Don't let go of what you can save. Once you let go, you will never find it back. Death makes you empty, just like the empty branches of those trees after their leaves fall. At last, it becomes more and more empty, and even you wither and fall. - -- Galsworthy
Don't look at the past with sentimental eyes, because the past will never come back. The smartest way is to deal with your present - it's in your hand now. You should greet the dream like future with an open and upright attitude. - -- Longfellow
Life is precious, death is the greatest sin
To make one's limited life more effective is to prolong one's life
I only have one life, and it's quite short. Why do I waste my life on the last thing I want to do? - --- and randeis
Since we have come to the world together, we must cherish the value of life. In a sense, life is more difficult than death. Death only needs a moment's courage, but life needs a lifetime's courage
The purpose of life is not in length, but in how we make use of it. Many people don't live many days, but they live for a long time
To say no to man, life is the highest of all treasures. - --- Feuerbach
We should face life with a smile, no matter what
If you don't come back in the prime of life, you can't go back in the morning. - --- Tao Qian
Life between heaven and earth, if the gap between Baiju, just suddenly
I think people can live an interesting and useful life in every period of time. We should not waste our lives. We should be able to say, "we have done what I can do". People can only ask us to do so, and only in this way can we have a little happiness. - --- gulif people
We will never have more time. We have, in fact, all the 24 hours of existence long ago. - -- Carnegie
Life, as long as you make full use of it, is long-term
Life is everything. Life is God. Everything is changing and moving. This kind of movement is God. When there is life, there is the joy of perceiving God. To love life is to love God. The most difficult and happiest thing is to love this life when you suffer from pain and innocent pain
-------Leo Tolstoy
No one lives forever, nothing lasts. - -- Tagore
Life is too short to be petty. - -- Disraeli
Before we know what life is, we have spent half of it. - -- Herbert
There is no return ticket in life. Once you leave, you can never return. --- Roman Rolland
Life is an arrow - so you have to know what to aim at and how to move the bow - and then pull the bow string enough to let the arrow fly out! --- van Dyck
There are many shortcomings in the activities of the world, but they are still beautiful
Life is not a short candle, but a torch that we hold for the time being. We must make it very bright and give it to the next generation
The meaning of life is to live fully, not long. - -- Martin Luther King
Our life is gifted. We can get life only by giving it. - -- Tagore
Dear friends, all theories are gray, and the precious tree of life is evergreen. - -- Goethe
Every flower can only bloom once and enjoy the warm or gentle life of one season. Why are we different? We can only come once and have only one name. And how do you live your life? How do you write your name? --- Xi Murong
Where there is life, there is hope
Life is real, life is sincere, and the grave is not his end. - -- Longfellow
Among all the shortcomings we have, the most rude one is to despise our existence. The more we love life, the less we can obey the conditions of life. If we only want to gaze at life, what should we do with consciousness? --- Du gale
Life is a one-way road. No matter how you change it, you will never go back. Once you understand and accept this, life will be much simpler. - - Moore
If I am allowed to live another life, I am willing to repeat my life. Because I never regret the past and fear the future
He who loves life is never a failure
As long as you have courage, life will be better
Once a person's youth has passed, there will be a beautiful mature period like autumn. At this time, the fruits of life are waiting for harvest in a beautiful and calm atmosphere like ripe rice
Struggle is sweet
See every dawn as the beginning of your life, and every dusk as the summary of your life
Let's go on the journey of life. The future is very long and dark. However, don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way ahead. - -- takero Oshima
If you can trust your life in other people's memory, your life seems longer. - -- Montesquieu
Although life has only a few decades of spring and autumn, it is by no means a dream like disillusionment, but has a profound meaning that can be sung endlessly. If you agree with the truth, life will have eternal life
Life is like a book. Fools read it casually, and wise people read it attentively. Because he knows that this book can only be read once. -- Paul
Don't you see that the youth's head is like cloud hair, young as cloud, old as snow
Life is like a Korean fungus
The greatest happiness in life is when you don't need to pursue happiness
Although everyone wants a lot, what he needs is very little. Because life is short and man's destiny is limited
No one lives forever, and nothing lasts forever. Brother, remember that and be glad. - -- Tagore
Our life is March weather, which can be violent and calm in an hour
I love life, for its beauty, I took part in the struggle
Though you are in trouble, don't be nervous. You always flow out of the dark
Once a shock, forget it and continue to live in a new situation
Of all the faults we have, the rudest is to despise our existence
Because of its short life, it should be put into the most magnificent history of human civilization in order to achieve eternity; because of its short life, we should treasure every moment of youth, so that it can emit as much light and heat as possible in the limited line of life
We can't wait for Yile to steal our lives
Life is by no means an ethereal dream. How much sweat you shed in the field of life, how much you will gain. For those who work hard, life is always lovely
Long life may not be good enough, but good life is long enough
My life belongs to the whole society. In my lifetime, it is my special honor to do my best to work for the whole society. - -- Bernard Shaw
The value of life lies not in the length of time, but in how you make use of it
Isn't a person's life as precious as the fate of a generation? You know, everyone is a complete world that he lives and dies with, and there is a history of this world under every tombstone
Self respect in life
Everyone is a product of his past. - --- melasto
When I live, I will be the master of life, not the slave of it
Life is endless enjoyment, eternal happiness, strong intoxication
Life shows brilliance in the flash, and reality in the ordinary. - -- Burke
Burning a person's soul is the love for life, which is to die
While life is moving forward, it is moving towards death
The faith of the true saint is good