Ability to be an adjective

Ability to be an adjective

Hairy, hairy
Be able to do sth

Is one's in cut one's hair an adjective possessive pronoun?

It can be adjective possessive pronoun or noun possessive
Cut her hair
Or cut Amy's hair

Go out with your hair wet is wrong

That's right. That's how you go out. Your hair's wet

What is the adjective form of close?

Close could have been used as an adjective
It's like "open" as a verb
To be an adjective can be interpreted as "open, open"
It's the same with close. You see, when the shop closes, put up a sign "close"
Closed should be interpreted as a passive form, even the adjective should be interpreted as "closed"
Non professional answers, let's discuss it together

The adjective form of close?
It's so cold today.Please keep the door______ (close)


Adjective of close


Does close mean the adjective "close"?

Close [concise English Chinese Dictionary]
v. Close, close, end, stop, bring close, close, join, surround
n. It's over
Adj. Close, close, precise, root like, closed, intimate, stuffy
To approach closely

How to write the adjective adverb of close

Close itself is an adjective, and the adverb should be close

Is close an adjective or an adverb?
It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood close to her mother.

v. Close; close; close; close; close; close; close
Adj. Close; close; almost; sultry; tight; tight; cut short; tight lipped; mean; close
Come close to
n. Dead end; end; conclusion
Close as an adverb in an example sentence
Modify the stock in a sentence

In English attributive clauses, what are the situations in which the leading word can only be that

1. When the antecedent is an indefinite pronoun such as all, little, anything; 2. When the antecedent is preceded by the only, the very, the just, the right, the last; 3. When the antecedent is preceded by the adjective superlative; 4. When the antecedent is preceded by an ordinal number; 5