How to change is this that twin sister's photo to plural?

How to change is this that twin sister's photo to plural?

Are these that twin sisters' photos
Where is my pencil box? Where are my pencil boxes? We don't need to change my to our

That is my photo

Those are my/ our photos.
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

He is in today
Transformation of English sentence patterns`

Are those their pictures?
He is at home today.

That is a good picture

Those are good pictures.

1.We shall arrive in Beijing tomorrow.2.There will be an English film this evening.
1. We shall arrive in Beijing tomorrow. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2. There will be an English film this evening?

In the first sentence, there is a verb, which is "arrive" and "shall arrive" together. In the second sentence, be is a verb, and "will be" together can be used as a predicate. If "be" is removed, a "will" can not be used as a predicate alone

English: will Tom arrive from Moscow next month

Come from
Will Tom come from Moscow next month?

The foreign visitors will arrive in Tibet tomorrow

These foreign tourists will arrive in Tibet tomorrow

I will arrive as soon as possible_____ .

as soon as possible

this time tomorrow,I suppose we____ over moscow
Aare flying Bare going to fly Care to fly Dwill be flying

Choose D
This time tomorrow, I think we will fly over Moscow
This is the most suitable one

When didi she______ ?This morning.A.arrive in B.get C.arrive at D.arrive

Answer: D arrives