Under what circumstances should English words be added ES / Ed / ing

Under what circumstances should English words be added ES / Ed / ing

There are two cases of es: 1. Plural nouns ending with s, SH, CH, X and adding - ES / iz / bus buses / watch watches ending with O and adding es, such as: potato -- potato, tomato -- tomato
2. In the third person, the verb ending with "s, x, CH, SH" is pronounced as "iz" by adding "es" at the end of the word
teach-teaches [iz]; watch-watches [iz]
For verbs ending in "O", add "es" and read [Z]
go-goes [z] do-does [z]
3. ED is a regular change of the verb past tense, such as watch watched
4. The ing form is used for continuous tense

Why add s after some English words es.er.ing .ed
I am a sixth grade student, my English is not very good, so I want to ask you a question. Which sentences in sixth grade English will use the past tense words. If encountered, how to answer

S and es are plural forms. Generally, the plural forms of words ending with s are bus → buses
The general representative of an ER or is a person of a certain occupation
"Ing" is a present participle. In short, it is used in the present continuous tense
ED is a past participle
Of course, some words belong to irregular verbs, and their changes do not follow the rules
Use the past participle when you come across the past tense

Why add es after English words?
We have learned the third person singular form, such as goes and so on. We have added es. The teacher asked us to find out why we need to add es.

If it is after a noun, it is the plural of the noun, which means more than one thing the noun stands for. If it is added after the auxiliary verb do, it is the third person singular as the subject

Primary school teachers say "add es" and middle school teachers say "add s"

If there is life, add es, otherwise add s
For example: tomato → tomatoes potato → heroes hero → Heroes

All three words are alive
Another example: photo → photos Park Zoo → zoos

Both words are inanimate

Third person special form and special plural form in English
I just want something special, like have has


Is the word person countable? Is it singular and plural? Is there any special usage?

Countable. Plural plus s, the narrow meaning of "people."

What are the nouns of the same type?
There are at least 10, and please explain how the singular and plural are the same type. Thank you!

This is called a compound noun. It is regarded as a plural noun, not a noun with the same singular and plural~

Is the noun plural or singular after favorite?
1 which, which, which, when adjectives modify the singular of countable nouns, before countable nouns
You don't need to add any articles? Like which book / which book
2 My favourite sport / sports
My favourite song / songs
Is my favorite followed by the singular or plural of a countable noun?
3 my favorite, followed by a singular countable noun, such as:
When we see that there is no article, why?
Is it because there is a determiner like my in the front, and all the nouns behind don't need an article?
4 My favourite 【sports】 is basketball
My favourite 【sport 】 is basketball
(well, I think the second one is right. At least the predicate verb is collocation, favorite sport)
Do you want to add an article in front of basketball
Please answer the questions in a concise order

There is no need to add the article my favorite sports are football and & nbsp; basketball & nbsp; or my favorite sport is football & nbsp; to see what you want to mean. You can understand it this way, because there is my in front, so don't add the article above

My favorite animal is panda
Why is singular in front of panda, while panda is plural, isn't is used for singular? Please give me a detailed answer, thank you!

Represents a class
It means panda

My favorite fruit is watermelon.watermelon Is it singular or plural? Please explain why
Do you have to use singular number for the type of watch?

It's singular
Favorite fruit is a specially designated one, without s