My favorite super star -- Justin Bieber, More words! It's about 150 words,

My favorite super star -- Justin Bieber, More words! It's about 150 words,

My favorite movie star

My favourite movie star Jackie Chan.He is a Chinese actor who was borned on April 7th,1954.He is an action movie star.I love his movie called Police story.When not working,he enjoys reading and spendi...

My favorite film star

My favourite movie star Jackie Chan.He is a Chinese actor who was borned on April 7th,1954.He is an action movie star.I love his movie called Police story.When not working,he enjoys reading and spendi...

What is this is a photo plural sentence

Those are photos

How did my parents say this is a photo in the first photo

The first photo is of my parents.
These are photos.

This is a bus

These are buses.

Is this a bus

Are these buses?

This is a bus

These are buses.

This is a bus

These are buses.

1. This is a bus

There are the buses