Describe you favorite sports star describe you favourite sports star what's his/her name? where is the person from? what kind of sport he/her plays? why you adore him/her?

Describe you favorite sports star describe you favourite sports star what's his/her name? where is the person from? what kind of sport he/her plays? why you adore him/her?

I like yaoming ,because he is one of the famous piayer .

For an English composition of my favorite sport, write it as required
1. What sports do you like;
2. How do you like this sport;
3. How do you engage in the sport
Write according to this requirement, about 80 words

There are many kinds of sports in my life.They are swimming,running,and dancing.However ,my favorite sport is basketball.When I was in primary school,I started to play basketball with my PE teacher in school.At that time,I found I had loved the sport.Now , I would like to watch basketball games if I’m free.The basketball games brings me a wonderful time in my life.Let ’s enjoy the pleasure of basket together ,ok

English composition on my favorite sport
Grade 2 of junior high school
1.What sports do you like?
2.What's your favorite sport?Why?
3.How often do you do it?
4.Who is your favorite player?Why

My Favourite Sport Everyone in this world has their own favorite sport, so do I. My favorite sport is football. I often play football with my friends. I like football because it is exciting and challe...