The least common multiple of 5 and 12 minus______ Is equal to their greatest common divisor. The least common multiple of 91 and 13 is their greatest common divisor______ Times

The least common multiple of 5 and 12 minus______ Is equal to their greatest common divisor. The least common multiple of 91 and 13 is their greatest common divisor______ Times

Because 5 and 12 are coprime numbers, their least common multiple is: 5 × 12 = 60, and the greatest common factor is 1; 60-1 = 59; because 91 and 13 are multiple relations, their least common multiple is 91, and the greatest common factor is 13, 91 △ 13 = 7; so the answer is: 59; 7

The greatest common divisor of 8 and 12 is their least common multiple______ %.

8 = 2 × 2 × 2, 12 = 2 × 2 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 8 and 12 is 2 × 2 = 4, the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24, 4 △ 24 ≈ 16.7%; so the answer is: 16.7

The sum of three continuous natural numbers is 21, their greatest common divisor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

These three continuous natural numbers are 6, 7 and 8 respectively
Their greatest common divisor is 1 and their least common multiple is 168

The sum of two continuous natural numbers is 21. What is the greatest common divisor of these two numbers? What is the least common multiple

The two numbers are 1011, the greatest common divisor is 1, and the least common multiple is 110

The greatest common factor of two numbers greater than 1 is 1, and the least common multiple is 72______ And______ .

72 = 1 × 72 = 8 × 9 = 24 × 3 = 12 × 6 = 18 × 4 = 2 × 36, because the greatest common factor of 24 and 3 is 3, the least common multiple is 24, because the greatest common factor of 12 and 6 is 6, the least common multiple is 12, because the greatest common factor of 18 and 4 is 2, the least common multiple is 36, because the greatest common factor of 2 and 36 is 2, the least common multiple

The greatest common factor of two combined numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 144. How many and how many are these two numbers?

If the greatest common factor of two composite numbers is 1, they must be coprime numbers
16 and 9

How many percent more is the reciprocal of the minimum prime number than the reciprocal of the minimum composite number?

The minimum prime number is 2, and the minimum composite number is 4, so their reciprocal is 1 / 2, 1 / 4. What percentage more is required? Pay attention to this multiword, and the formula is (1 / 2-1 / 4) / 1 / 4 = 1 = 100%

The sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100 is () and the difference is ()
First come, first served

The sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100 is (101) and the difference is (93)

A two digit number is the smallest prime number on the tens, and the smallest composite number on the ones______ .

A two digit number is the smallest prime number in the tens, and the smallest composite number in the ones. This number is 24. So the answer is: 24

A three digit number is the smallest prime number on its one digit, the smallest composite number on its ten digit number, and the smallest odd number on its hundred digit number
This number is a multiple of prime number () and () at the same time

For a three digit number, it has the smallest prime number on the one digit, the smallest composite number on the ten digit number, and the smallest odd number on the hundred digit number. This number is 142. It is also a multiple of prime numbers (2) and (71)