A number is the smallest composite number and the largest prime number within 50. What is the number

A number is the smallest composite number and the largest prime number within 50. What is the number

A number is the sum of the smallest composite number and the largest prime number within 50
The smallest sum is 4
The biggest index is 47

The quotient of the product of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number divided by 5 is ()

The smallest composite number is 4, the smallest prime number is 2, 4 × 2 △ 5 = 1 3 / 5 (1 and 3 / 5)

What is the quotient of the product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number divided by their difference?

The minimum prime number is 2 and the minimum composite number is 4
According to the meaning of the title, the formula is as follows: