English what this is in me exercise

English what this is in me exercise

Excuse me, what is this in English?

Alice! Is, hi, this, in, what, English

Hi,Alice,what' this in English?

Is, it, quiet, white, a 2. Morning, frank, good, 3. Color, is, what, it 4. In, this, what, is, English

1.It is a white quilt.
2.Good morning,Frank.
3 What color is it?
4.What is this in English?

She plays sports every day

Dose she play sports every day?
No,she doesn't.
To solve this kind of problem, just do a few more questions. The most important thing is to make clear the verbs and continue to work hard!

She plays sports every day?

How often does she play sports?
This is a question about frequency
You can visit my blog. I have the skills to ask questions in the underlined part

She plays sports every day
Why is s added after play? When is s added?

I know, she is the third person singular, the main three singular is s, now you know, can you make me the best?

3、 She plays sports every morning
3、 Sentence pattern conversion
She plays sports every morning
__________ she __________ sports every morning?
2. She watches TV at least once or twice a week
_______ _______ does she _______ TV?
3. They of ten play basketball on Saturdays and Sundays
They often play basketball __________ __________ .
4. They often sleep for eight hours every night
_________ _________ do they sleep every night?
5. Fifth percentage students exercise every day_________ students exercise every day?

Does she play sports every morning?
Hong often does she watch TV?
They often play basketball on weekends.
Hong long do they sleep every night?
How many (what percentage of) students exercise every day?

she plays sports ()school every day
A. In B.on C, after D, for no at

Fixed collocation at school
After school means after school

The plural of your

Your means yours, yours
So your plural is still your

I like your dress``

i like your dresses.
I like your skirts. So?