Kneel down for the 3A passage and the words in lesson 2 of English book 1 of Grade 8 People's Education Press

Kneel down for the 3A passage and the words in lesson 2 of English book 1 of Grade 8 People's Education Press

… but I'm pretty healthy.I exercise every day,usually when I come home from school.My eating habits are pretty good.I try to eat a lot of vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.Of course,I love junk food too,and I eat it two or three times a week.Oh ,and I sleep nine hours every night.So you see, I look after my health.And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.Good food and exercise help me to study better.

English books, texts and words in the first half of the first semester of junior high school
The first half of the first semester of junior high school English 1-5 text ah words,
(the text should be the first part of each module)
(all the words)
I forgot to take this silver English book!

That's too much, isn't it? I don't have time to call you. Sorry```

New target: unit 9 words in Grade 8. I forgot to bring my English book, which should be in both Chinese and English

Is this unit 9 Chinese born v. record n. record n. hiccup v. & n. hiccup v. & n. sneeze v. & n to… Too That I can't Brazil's national adj. National achievement n

How to write the English words of banana

Banana English & nbsp; [B & # 601; &# 39; n or: n & # 601;] Mei & nbsp; [B & # 601; &# 712; n & # 230; n & # 601;] n. banana; & nbsp; banana plants 1. Cut the & nbsp; Banana & nbsp; in half lengths

How to write banana in English

You see, do you understand? If not,
The most important thing is the method. If we master the method, we can solve similar problems!
Like this question oneself tries under, next time will be able to!
I wish you academic progress!

How to draw banana (children's painting)

First, draw a shape similar to the moon (curved one), and then modify it. Change the sharp one to the round one~

How to read apple in English

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

This is an apple
Please tell me this is an Apple English
Don't mistake punctuation and case

This is an apple.

I want to buy an apple

I want to buy an apple.

Please give me an apple

Please give me an apple