Finding the derivative of e ^ (- x)

Finding the derivative of e ^ (- x)

The derivative of e ^ (- x) is not difficult to find, but how to write the process-_ -!
I'll try my best to see if you can understand
Derivative of e ^ (- x) = derivative of e ^ (- x) × (- x) = - e ^ (- x)
Because the derivative of e ^ x is equal to e ^ X,
However, now x is replaced by - x, which becomes a new function f (x) = - x, so this also needs to be derivative

What is the derivative of e ^ x

It's him

The derivative of E (x power of E)

It can be regarded as a compound function and - x as f (x)
According to the derivation rule of compound function: e ^ (- x) = e ^ f (x) = f (x) '* e ^ f (x) = - x * e ^ (- x)
I don't understand

If it's a single sentence, please mark the subject predicate object component. If it's a complex sentence, please point out the relationship of the first level
1. The spring breeze in Bai Juyi's works and that in Wang Anshi's works symbolize rebirth and strength, but they are different in realm and do not attack each other
2. To contrast sadness with cheerful scenes or extreme joy with tears is a common method in Chinese classical poetry
Not only peach and apricot are fighting for spring, but also spring breeze and warbler are fighting for spring
4. If we follow the old ways and copy them, there will be no way out
5. In Wang Anshi's works, spring breeze's influence on nature is vividly expressed

Complex sentence
A complex sentence is composed of two or more single sentences. The single sentence that makes up a complex sentence is called a clause. A clause indicates the tone that the sentence does not end completely. There is usually a short pause after the clause, which is indicated by punctuation (comma, semicolon, etc.) in the sentence in writing
According to the different combinations of complex sentences, they can be divided into two categories
1. It is composed of single sentences, such as:
I am Chinese, we love our motherland
The teacher came into the classroom, came to the platform, and began to speak seriously
This kind of complex sentence depends on the word order between clauses and has no obvious logical relationship
2. With the help of function words
We should not only listen attentively, but also think more
As long as we keep on exercising, we can build up our physique
In this kind of complex sentences, the connection between clauses depends on function words, and the main function words are conjunctions and adverbs, and some related phrases, collectively referred to as Related words
The logical relationship between clauses is clear. We should choose the relevant words correctly according to the semantic and logical relationship between clauses

Use proper connectives to combine three short sentences into a complex sentence
1. In this way, people can live with dignity and calm. 2. People should have a little spirit. 3. Without spirit, anyone will be ugly

People should have a little spirit. If there is no spirit, anyone will be ugly. Only in this way can people live with dignity and calm
It should be, almost, maybe, just like that
Just a little bit
(*^__ ^*(hee hee

Combine the following three short sentences into a complex sentence
(1) People seldom think that all the hardships in life will become valuable wealth
(2) In value judgment, things in spiritual field are easily obliterated by material wealth
(3) Most people think that visible income is a kind of wealth

(because) most people think that visible income is a kind of wealth, (so) in the value judgment, things in the spiritual field are easily obliterated by the appearance of material wealth. (but) people seldom think that all the hardships and even tribulations experienced in life will become valuable wealth

We say that the sea is the artery of the human body. 2. The sea and the river are connected by blood. 3. The river is the capillary connecting the artery

1 and 3 so 2

Combine the following three short sentences into a complex sentence with proper connectives
① Chinese children are often afraid of hardship and tiredness. They are spoiled at home and have low physical quality.
② Experts call on children to turn off their computers and go into the gym.
③ Physical exercise can strengthen the physique.

Because of (1) so (2) because (3)

Combine the following three phrases into a complex sentence with appropriate connectives
1. An ugly person becomes incomparably beautiful because he has a lovely heart. 2. An ugly person has noble behavior. 3. An ugly person has a pure heart

An ugly person not only becomes extremely beautiful because of his lovely personality, but also has noble behavior and pure heart

Make a compound sentence from the following sentences with proper connectives
A person who looks ugly will become extremely beautiful
An ugly person has noble behavior
An ugly man has a pure heart

Even an ugly person with noble behavior and pure heart will become extremely beautiful