The first problem: what is the derivative of y = xsinx? The second problem is that we know that the ellipse 2A has x parts plus 2B parts y = 1 and the hyperbolic a has only x parts minus B parts y

The first problem: what is the derivative of y = xsinx? The second problem is that we know that the ellipse 2A has x parts plus 2B parts y = 1 and the hyperbolic a has only x parts minus B parts y


What is the image of the derivative of F (x) = (x-1) (X-2) (x-3) (x-4)

The function f (x) = (x-1) (X-2) (x-3) (x-4) is obviously a fourth power function. Its domain of definition is any real number. The function is continuous and differentiable everywhere during the whole real number period. It is easy to find that the equation f (x) = 0 has only four solutions, that is, the image of the function intersects the X axis four times, and the intersection points are x = 1,2

It is known that the derivative f (x) is the derivative of the function y = f (x), and the image of y = derivative f (x) is shown in the figure, then the derivative of y = f (x) is the derivative of the function y = f (x)
If you know something, help to analyze it,

No pictures,

How to find the derivative of y = (x + LNX) / (x + Ex)?

Is ex a multiplication of E and X? Or an exponential function? I did it as a multiplication. Y '= [(1 + 1 / x) (x + Ex) - (x + LNX) (1 + e)] / (x + Ex) & # 178; = (E + 1) (1-lnx) / [(1-lnx) / [(E + 1) x & # 178;] hope it can help you. If you have solved the problem, please click the "select as satisfactory answer" button below

What's the difference between simple sentences and complex sentences?
He collected pieces of dried moss and boiled water to drink
2. With his will to survive, he still struggles to crawl
Due to long-term overwork, Mr. Li finally fell ill and was hospitalized
4. If the U.S. government still insists on confrontation, the Chinese government is willing to accompany it to the end
Which of the four sentences are complex, which is single, and why?

Look at the whole sentence, there is a set of subject, predicate, object is a single sentence, that is, a simple sentence. And there are multiple is a complex sentence. According to this principle, 1,2,3 is a single sentence, 4 is a complex sentence

The essential difference between complex sentences and simple sentences lies in () and ()

Complete meaning, separate sentence

Rewrite the sentences as required, one word for each blank
Helen likes this red jacket
________ Helen _________ this red jacket?
Do your parents like French fries
Yes,_______ _________ .
Tina likes (salad and chicken)
__________ ________ tina like?
My sisters like ice cream
My sisters _________ __________ ice cream.
Does Bob like English
No,___________ ______________

1 does like
2 I do
3 What is
4 doesn't like
5 I don't

First grade English complete sentences, each empty word
My father has a sister
My father _____ _____ a _____ .
Betty has no uncle
Betty _____ _____ _____ uncles .
Thank you for your family photo
_____ _____ your family ______ .
His grandparents are not in China
His _____ and _____ are not _____ _____ .
Do you have any brothers?
_____ you _____ _____ brothers?

My father has a sister
My father __ has___ _____ a ___ sister__ .
Betty has no uncle
Betty ___ does__ __ bot___ ___ have__ uncles .
Thank you for your family photo
____ thanks_ __ for___ your family ____ photo__ .
His grandparents are not in China
His __ gradpa___ and ___ grandma__ are not __ at___ __ china___ .
Do you have any brothers?
_ Do____ you ___ have__ ___ a__ brothers?

Complete the English sentences according to the given Chinese, each empty word
My two cousins are English
____ ______ ___ are English.
This is a picture of Helen's family
This is a _____ _____ Heien's family.
Those are watches and rings
_____ ____ watches and rings.
Thank you for your card
____ _____ your cards.
Here are five pencils
_______ ________ five pencils.

My two cousins are English
This is a photo of Helen's family
There are watches and rings
Thanks for you cards
Here are five pencils

Complete the sentence, each empty word
There are some books on the desk
There are _____ _____ ______ the table.
Is there a post office near your home?
Is there a post office _____ _____ your home?
There is a girl and two boys in the classroom
There ______ a girl and two boys in the classroom.

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