How to find the derivative of one of X

How to find the derivative of one of X

So (1 / y) * y '= (1 / X * x-lnx) / X & # 178;
So y '= x ^ (1 / x) * (1-lnx) / X & # 178;

Find the derivative of in (secx + TaNx)?

So the derivative of in (secx + TaNx)
=1/(sinx+1)/cosx * [(sinx+1)/cosx]'
=cosx/(sinx+1)*(cos^2x +sin^2x+sinx)/cos^2x

He'a policeman in plural, they

They are policemen.

Change he to the plural


The plural of he


Change the following sentences into plural ones
That is my sister LS this his parent LS she your friend yes it is this is my cup

Those are my sisters .Are these his parents?Are they your friends?Yes ,they are.These are my cups.

The discovery and origin of mathematical knowledge

One is history, two is history

The origin of Mathematics
Is that OK?

The origin and early development of Mathematics: mathematics, like other branches of science, is a kind of intellectual accumulation developed through human social practice and production activities under certain social conditions. Its main content reflects the quantitative relationship and spatial form of the real world, as well as the relationship and structure between them

The origin of Mathematics

The name comes from mathematics (Greek: μ α θ η μ α τ ι κ?). In the west, the word originates from the ancient Greek μ α (m á th ē MA), which has the meaning of learning, learning, science, and also has a narrow and technical meaning - "Mathematical Research", that is, in its etymology

Mathematics knowledge or story about 50 words, less than 100 words

The ancient Greeks introduced names, concepts and self thinking into mathematics. They began to guess how mathematics came into being very early. Although their guesses were only written down in a hurry, they almost occupied the field of speculation first, Herodotus (484-425 B.C.) is the first person to begin to guess. He only talks about geometry. He may not be familiar with general mathematical concepts, but he is very sensitive to the exact meaning of land survey, The geometry of ancient Greece came from ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, because the land was flooded by the annual flood, people often needed to re measure the land for tax purposes. He also said that the Greeks learned the use of sundials from the Babylonians and divided the day into 12 hours, The conjecture that general geometry has a brilliant beginning is superficial