


Observe the following formula a + (2b-3c) = a + 2b-3c, a - (2b-3c) = a-2b + 3C
After the left and right exchange of the equation, is the equation true? Can it be regarded as the inverse operation of removing brackets
z-b+c=a-( )
(a-b+c-d) (a+b-c+d)=[a-( )] [a+( )]

(a-b + C-D) (a + B-C + D) = [a - (B + C-D)] [a + (B-C + D)] it's very easy to extract the common factor. The first one doesn't have the same letter

2A ^ 2B · (- 2 / 2 of 1ab ^ 2) ^ 3,

2A & # 178; B (- 2 / 2 of 1ab & # 178;) &# 179;
=2A & # 178; B (- 1A / 8 & # 179; B ^ 6)
=-Quarter 1A ^ 5B ^ 7
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