Write a linear equation of one variable, the coefficient of the unknown is - 3, and the solution of the equation is half

Write a linear equation of one variable, the coefficient of the unknown is - 3, and the solution of the equation is half

For example: - 3x + 1.5 = 0

Let the coefficient of the unknown be negative 3, and the solution of the equation be half. Write out the equation of one variable


1. Write a linear equation of one variable so that the coefficient of the unknown is - 2, and the solution of the equation is x = - 0.5:1-----
2. It takes 5 hours for a ship to go from wharf a to wharf B, and 4 hours for a ship to go from wharf B to wharf a. the speed of water flow is 2 km per hour. What is the distance between wharf A and wharf B-----

2. The distance between terminals a and B is x km
A. B the distance between the two docks is 80 kilometers