It is natural and appropriate for the mathematics presenter to stand at the golden section of the stage when hosting the program When the stage was 20m, he asked how far to stand from the left end. Is it 12.36 or 7.64? It seems that we usually take 7.64 instead of 12.360. Why? He doesn't ask how far it is from the left end, why can't we take 12? Isn't it the golden section

It is natural and appropriate for the mathematics presenter to stand at the golden section of the stage when hosting the program When the stage was 20m, he asked how far to stand from the left end. Is it 12.36 or 7.64? It seems that we usually take 7.64 instead of 12.360. Why? He doesn't ask how far it is from the left end, why can't we take 12? Isn't it the golden section

Our math teacher said that it has nothing to do with math. If there is no condition in the question, the golden section point usually refers to the right point, and the left point is OK, but the teacher said that it is usually the right point

When the host of TV program is in the main special program, it is most natural and appropriate to stand in the golden section of a stage. If the stage AB is 20m long, how many meters away from point a should the host walk to?

The golden ratio is 1:0.618
618 ≈ 12, if point a is in the front, it is 12 m away, and in the back, it is 8 m away

If two points P and Q outside the line AB are known, and PA = Pb, QA = QB, then the relationship between the line PQ and the line AB is_______ .

If the points P and Q are outside the line AB, they will not be the midpoint of the line ab;
PA = Pb, then point P is on the vertical bisector of line ab;
QA = QB, then point q is on the vertical bisector of segment ab;
Since two points determine a straight line, the line PQ is the vertical bisector of line AB, that is:
Line PQ vertical bisector ab