According to the social needs, the municipal government held a hearing on the price of tap water and decided to adjust the price of tap water from April this year. Some information about the price of domestic water after adjustment is as follows: & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; unit price of water consumption (M3) (yuan / m3) & nbsp; the part within 5M3 (including 5M3) 2 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; It is known that xiaojingjia and Xiaolei paid 19 yuan and 31 yuan respectively in May, and the water consumption of Xiaolei is 1.5 times of xiaojingjia's

According to the social needs, the municipal government held a hearing on the price of tap water and decided to adjust the price of tap water from April this year. Some information about the price of domestic water after adjustment is as follows: & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; unit price of water consumption (M3) (yuan / m3) & nbsp; the part within 5M3 (including 5M3) 2 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; It is known that xiaojingjia and Xiaolei paid 19 yuan and 31 yuan respectively in May, and the water consumption of Xiaolei is 1.5 times of xiaojingjia's

Let Xiaojing's household water ym3, then Xiaolei's household water 1.5ym3. According to the meaning of the title, we can get: 2 × 5 + X (Y − 5) = 192 × 5 + X (1.5y − 5) = 31, and the solution is x = 3Y = 8

Mathematical problems (solved by binary linear equation)
Xiaoming's grandmother sent a basket full of eggs, no less than 50. This basket can only hold 54 eggs at most. Xiaoming wanted to count how many eggs there were in the basket. He counted three eggs first, but he forgot how many times. When he was ready to count, his mother said with a smile: "don't count, there are 52 eggs in total." Xiaoming was surprised and asked how his mother knew, but his mother didn't answer with a smile, Let Xiao Ming use his brain. Later, Xiao Ming solved the problem with the knowledge of equation. Do you know how Xiao Ming solved it?

Let's say there are actually x eggs. He counted them y times
Then x = 3Y + 1
X-1 must be divisible by 3 and 50

Use a rope to encircle a cylindrical oil barrel. If you encircle the barrel three times, the rope will be four feet more. If you encircle the barrel four times, the rope will be three feet less. How long is the rope? How many feet does it take to go around the barrel?

Let the length of the rope be x feet, and it takes y feet to encircle the oil barrel. From the meaning of the question, we get: 3Y + 4 = x4y − 3 = x, and the solution is: x = 25y = 7. Answer: the length of the rope is 25 feet, and it takes 7 feet to encircle the oil barrel