Divide apples Four people divided the apples, Beibei took half and half of all the apples; Jingjing took the remaining half and half; Huanhuan took the remaining half and half of Jingjing; Yingying took the last half and half of the apples. The evaluation was over, and all the four people got the whole apple. How many apples are there in all?

Divide apples Four people divided the apples, Beibei took half and half of all the apples; Jingjing took the remaining half and half; Huanhuan took the remaining half and half of Jingjing; Yingying took the last half and half of the apples. The evaluation was over, and all the four people got the whole apple. How many apples are there in all?

This type of topic uses the backward method
Yingying took the last half and half, and divided the apples. Then she took an apple
The number when Huanhuan takes the apple is (1 + 0.5) × 2 = 3
5) × 2 = 7
The number of babe taking apple is (7 + 0.5) × 2 = 15
There are 15 apples in all