9. A car from a city to B city, 3 hours 105 km. With the same speed and 1.2 hours to B city, a city to B city how many kilometers? 10. Guangming township has 144 hectares of rice, and 90 hectares of rice have been harvested in five days. According to this calculation, how many days can the rest be harvested? 11. In the weaving workshop of a textile mill, in the past, each person watched 16 looms, and each class needed 42 people. Now, the operation method is improved, and each person watched 24 looms. How much can be saved per class 12. A machine factory originally planned to produce 48 machines a day, which can be completed in 15 days. Now it has to complete the task in 12 days. How many machines should be increased every day?

9. A car from a city to B city, 3 hours 105 km. With the same speed and 1.2 hours to B city, a city to B city how many kilometers? 10. Guangming township has 144 hectares of rice, and 90 hectares of rice have been harvested in five days. According to this calculation, how many days can the rest be harvested? 11. In the weaving workshop of a textile mill, in the past, each person watched 16 looms, and each class needed 42 people. Now, the operation method is improved, and each person watched 24 looms. How much can be saved per class 12. A machine factory originally planned to produce 48 machines a day, which can be completed in 15 days. Now it has to complete the task in 12 days. How many machines should be increased every day?

1. From city a to city B = 1.2 × (105 △ 3) = 42 kg
2. The rest = (144-90) △ 90 △ 5) = 3 days
3. Each class can save = 42-16 × 42 △ 24 = 14 people
4. Should increase production = 48 × 15 △ 12-48 = 12 sets

(1) if the meaning of 1 / √ - A, then the value of a / √ - A is
(2) If 1 < x < 2 is known, what is the absolute value of x-3 + √ X & # 178; - 2x + 1

(1) ∵ 1 / √ (- a) is significant
∴ a<0
∴ a/√﹙﹣a﹚=﹣√﹙﹣a﹚;
﹙2﹚∵ 1<x<2
∴ x-1>0,x-3<0
∴ |x-3|+√﹙x²-2x+1﹚
=2 .

1. In trapezoidal area formula s = 1 / 2 (a + b), given the square of H = 6cm, a = 3cm, s = 24cm, then B is equal to () 2. Team a and team B carry out football match. It is stipulated that each team wins one game and gets 3 points, draws one game and loses one game and gets 0 point. Team a and team B have played a total of 10 games, and team a keeps an unbeaten record and gets 22 points. How many games has team a won? (use equation solution)
3. In order to understand the problem of people's difficulty in seeing a doctor, our government decided to reduce the price of drugs. After a 30% price increase in 2007, the price of a drug was reduced by 70% to a yuan in 2008. Then the price of this drug before the price increase in 2007 was ()
4. It is known that there are 28 people in group A and 20 people in group B. in the following deployment methods, the number of people in one group is half of that in the other group ()

(2) Team a won X Games
(3) Transfer 4 people from group B to group A