The average number of a group of numbers is 5, and the sum of these numbers is 505. How many numbers are there in this group

The average number of a group of numbers is 5, and the sum of these numbers is 505. How many numbers are there in this group

Total 101

How many times does a coin appear on the front? How many times does it appear on the front? How many times does it appear on the front? How many times does it appear on the front? How many times does it appear on the front,

50%. No matter how many times you throw, you only need to consider the probability of one shot. Because there are two sides, the positive one is 50%

Who knows,
The smallest of the following numbers is ()
A.0.001 B.0 C.0.03 D.-0.003
For a two digit number, the number on the tenth digit is a, and the number on the single digit is B. the formula for this two digit number is
a.ab b.10a+b c.10b+a d.10(a+b)

The smallest of the following numbers is (d)
A.0.001 B.0 C.0.03 D.-0.003
For a two digit number, the number on the tenth digit is a, and the number on the single digit is B. the formula for this two digit number is b.10a + B
a.ab b.10a+b c.10b+a d.10(a+b)

Who knows?
There are 100 horses in all, including 100 bags of cement. A big horse can carry two generations, a middle horse can carry one bag, and two ponies can carry one bag. How many are there in each of them?

As long as the horse: Colt = 1:2, and the total number of horses is 100