Deep meaning of physical quantity For example: w = MGH, where h is the height of the center of gravity with 0 potential energy On the second floor: "center of gravity" means depth

Deep meaning of physical quantity For example: w = MGH, where h is the height of the center of gravity with 0 potential energy On the second floor: "center of gravity" means depth

I don't know either!

The meaning of each physical quantity in E = σ / ε

Young's modulus is a term in mechanics of materials. Elastic materials will produce positive strain when they bear positive stress, which is defined as the ratio of positive stress to positive strain
The formula is e = σ / ε
Where e is young's modulus, σ is normal stress and ε is normal strain
The large Young's modulus indicates that the deformation of the material is small when it is compressed or stretched

What is the physical quantity and unit to measure the inertia of an object?

It's mass, the international unit is kg

What physical quantities can be used to measure sound size and how to define them?

Decibel is the unit of volume, such as frequency response, background noise, stereo resolution and so on. Decibel is the unit to distinguish the sound quality

Temperature is a physical quantity that represents the degree of an object. The tool for measuring the temperature of an object is called ()

Temperature is the physical quantity that indicates the degree of heat and cold of an object

What is the accepted standard for scientific measurement of physical quantities

It is the international system of units. There are seven basic physical quantities. These seven physical quantities have quite scientific definitions. Other physical quantities can be calculated and expressed by these seven quantities, so they are also scientific. There are seven basic units: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, Kelvin, Moore and candela

What is the tool for measuring the length of a physical quantity
Come on, it's urgent

The basic should be "scale"
"Vernier caliper" and "screw micrometer" are also commonly used in physical experiments
There are "tape measure" and "tape measure" in life
There is a "laser rangefinder" in the scientific research (it is used to measure Mount Everest)

What is the value of G in the formula of the law of universal gravitation
Make it clear
Read it
Write it in Chinese

G = 6.67x10 ^ - 11n times m ^ 2 / kg ^ 2

Why is the law of universal gravitation not Newton's fourth law
Is it because of a copyright dispute with hooker?

Law of gravitation
The law of universal gravitation is the law of gravitation that explains the interaction between objects
Newton's law of gravitation was published in principles of mathematics in 1687
(but note: most of Newton's achievements are based on previous achievements. I think it's because it's not sure who discovered them first.)
The law points out that:
The magnitude of the gravitation between two objects is directly proportional to the product of the masses of two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects, but has nothing to do with the chemical nature or physical state of two objects and the intermediate matter
The formula is: F = g * m1m2 / (R * r) (g = 6.67 × 10 ^ - 11n &; m ^ 2 / kg ^ 2) can be read as f equals to the square quotient of G times m1m2 divided by R
A more rigorous representation is the following vector form:
Among them:
F: The attraction between two objects
G: Gravitational constant
M1: mass of object 1
M2: mass of object 2
r: The distance between two objects

How Newton discovered the law of gravitation

According to Kepler's law of planetary motion, the best explanation is the inverse square law, which is named as the law of universal gravitation