The formula of cylinder volume The formula of volume and area of cylinder and cone

The formula of cylinder volume The formula of volume and area of cylinder and cone


Calculation formula of area and volume

Volume calculation formula
Cuboid volume = length × width × height
Volume of cube = base area × height
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = A3
Volume of cylinder
Volume of cylinder = area of bottom × height cylinder v = sh
Volume of cone
Volume of cone = 1 / 3 × bottom area × height v = 1 / 3SH
Spherical volume formula:
The volume formula is v = 4 / 3 × π × R ^ 3

What is the unified deformation formula

Trigonometric function formula and important conclusions 1. Arc number of center angle of circle: ∣ ∣ = where represents arc length, R represents radius of circle. 2. Arc = 180o, 1 arc = 57.30o, s sector = 3. Formula of the same angle as the end edge: K &; 360o + where K4, the angle of the first quadrant: 2K0, when tolerance d0, right F1 (x0) =