The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 12 / 7. What is the product of the two numbers? Wrong, 7 / 12

The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 12 / 7. What is the product of the two numbers? Wrong, 7 / 12

These two natural numbers are 3 and 4
Their product: 3 × 4 = 12

Two different natural numbers, their reciprocal difference is 3 / 1, these two numbers are () and ()
This is my homework!
8: After 00, invalid

1/3 =1/2 - 1/6
Two different natural numbers, their reciprocal difference is 1 / 3, the two numbers are (2) and (6)

Which three different natural numbers have the reciprocal difference of two seventh
