There are three continuous natural numbers, the largest one is a, and the smallest one is < >. The average of these three numbers is < >

There are three continuous natural numbers, the largest one is a, and the smallest one is < >. The average of these three numbers is < >

There are three continuous natural numbers, the largest one is a, and the smallest one is < A-2 >. The average of these three numbers is

Of the three consecutive natural numbers, the smallest one is x, and the average of the three numbers is X______ .

(x + X + 1 + X + 2) △ 3 = (3x + 3) △ 3 = x + 1. A: the average of these three numbers is x + 1. So the answer is: x + 1

The average of five consecutive natural numbers is 36. What are the five numbers?

They are 34 35 36 37 38