The product of three natural numbers is 120, in which the sum of two numbers is equal to the other number Come on, come on, come on

The product of three natural numbers is 120, in which the sum of two numbers is equal to the other number Come on, come on, come on

So these three numbers are 3 5 8

The sum of five continuous natural numbers is 125. The maximum of these five numbers is () and the minimum is ()

The maximum is: 125 / 5 + 2 = 27
The minimum is: 125 / 5-2 = 23

The sum of five continuous natural numbers is 160. What's the largest one and what's the smallest one?

Suppose the middle one is a
So it's 5A
So a = 160 / 5 = 32
So the largest is a + 2 = 34, and the smallest is A-2 = 30