If there are 9 continuous natural numbers, all of which are greater than 80, then the prime number among them is at most 80______ One

If there are 9 continuous natural numbers, all of which are greater than 80, then the prime number among them is at most 80______ One

9 consecutive natural numbers, the end may be 0-9, the end of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 must be divisible by 2, the end of 5 must be divisible by 5, only the end of 1, 3, 7, 9 may be prime. There are at least 4 even numbers, that is, at most 5 consecutive odd numbers

It is known that the four numbers a, B, C and D are not zero, and we also know that the number A / b = 0.5; the number d / b = 1.01; the number C / 0.4 = the number B; the number A / C = 1.25 = the number C. comparing the sizes of the four numbers a, B, C and D, who is the third in the order from big to small?

If a / b = 0.5, then a = B × 0.5, D / b = 1.01, then d = B × 1.01, C / 0.4 = B, then C = B × 0.4, because: 1.01 > 1 > 0.5 > 0.4, then B × 1.01 > B × 1 > B × 0.5 > B × 0.4, that is, D > B > a > C, so the third is a; a: the third is a

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 78. Let the middle one be 2n, and the countable equation be
