The product of several prime numbers is a composite number______ (judge right or wrong)

The product of several prime numbers is a composite number______ (judge right or wrong)

If the product of several prime numbers is not only 1 and the product itself, there are also these prime numbers. Therefore, the product of several prime numbers is a composite number

I'm a two digit number, and I'm also a prime number. The product of ten digits and single digits is 9. What's my number

Hello, Mr. double digit
If it's a prime number, first of all, if it's an even number at the end, only 13579 is left. In these cases, 5 and 7 can't be multiplied by 33 with a score of 9, which is 9. Unfortunately, 3 * 11 is not a prime number. Only 19 and 91 are left. I hope it can help you

Questions about prime numbers and composite numbers in Mathematics
Composite numbers can be expressed in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers, such as 20 = 2 * 2 * 5, 42 = 2 * 3 * 7, etc. can you write the following composite numbers in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers
