Is 0 prime or composite Natural numbers are divided into prime numbers, composite numbers, and 1.0 is also a natural number. What is it? Note: "natural numbers are divided into prime numbers, composite numbers, and 1.0 is also a natural number." it's true. And whoever multiplies 0 equals 0

Is 0 prime or composite Natural numbers are divided into prime numbers, composite numbers, and 1.0 is also a natural number. What is it? Note: "natural numbers are divided into prime numbers, composite numbers, and 1.0 is also a natural number." it's true. And whoever multiplies 0 equals 0

Prime number is also called prime number. It refers to the number in a natural number greater than 1 which can not be divided by other natural numbers except 1 and the integer itself. Prime number must be greater than 1, so 0 is not prime number. 1 is not prime number
If a number has other factors besides one and itself, such a number is called a composite number. We know that there are other divisors besides one and itself, which are called composite numbers. There are innumerable divisors of 0, but it does not have its own "0", which does not conform to the meaning of composite numbers. If there is itself, it is in contradiction with the fact that the divisor in the division formula cannot be 0, 0 is excluded. The smallest sum is 4 instead of 0

Is 0 prime or composite
Some say it's a composite number, others say it's a prime number

None. Zero is even

"0" is prime or composite, please tell me

It is clearly stipulated in the primary school mathematics textbook of nine-year compulsory education that there is no object, which is represented by '0'. 0 is also a natural number. Since '0' is included in the category of natural number, the question of whether 'o' is a prime number or a composite number arises when teaching "divisors and multiples". I think that 'o' is neither a prime number nor a composite number, "0" is not a prime number. From "a number, if there are only 1 and its two divisors, such a number is called a prime number", we can see that a prime number contains only two divisors, but "0" is not. It can be divisible by any non natural number. That is to say, there are more than two divisors of 0. Secondly, "0" is not a composite number, If there are other numbers besides 1 and itself, such numbers are called composite numbers, we can see that a composite number should have at least three divisors, among which the most basic two are 1 and itself. In contrast to the natural number, 0, although its divisors satisfy the condition of "three or more", but these divisors cannot include itself (0 cannot be divisor); second, a composite number, No matter how many divisors there are, they are finite and countable. And "0" can be divided by all non natural numbers, and the number of natural numbers is infinite. That is to say, there are countless divisors of "0". Thirdly, we know that "every composite number can be written in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers", and "0" can not satisfy this point in any case