Please explain the definition of prime number and composite number for me

Please explain the definition of prime number and composite number for me

Prime number is in all integers larger than 1, except 1 and itself, there is no other divisor. This kind of integer is called prime number or prime number. It can also be said that there are only 1 and its two divisors. Composite number, also known as composite number, is a positive integer that satisfies any of the following (equivalent) conditions

Is 497.111121111 prime or composite?

The sum is a multiple of three

Who can tell me 269 and 439 are prime numbers or composite numbers. How to judge, to be more popular

269 and 439 are prime numbers
A number with only 1 and its two divisors is called a prime number
2. In addition to 1 and its two divisors, there are other divisors, which are called composite numbers. (for example: 4 / 1 = 4,4 / 2 = 2,4 / 4 = 1, obviously, the divisor of 4 has divisor 2 in addition to 1 and 4 itself, so 4 is composite number.)
3. 1 is neither prime nor composite because its divisor has and has only one divisor
Judging whether a number is prime or composite can be determined by the number of its divisors: a number with only two divisors is prime; a number with three or more divisors is composite; a number with only one divisor is neither prime nor composite
Answer: ⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎⒎
What is a prime number? That is, in all integers larger than 1, there is no other divisor except 1 and itself. This kind of integer is called a prime number, and a prime number is also called a prime number. It can also be said that a prime number has two divisors
Composite number, also known as composite number, is a positive integer satisfying any of the following (equivalent) conditions:
1. Is the product of two integers greater than 1;
2. Have a factor greater than 1 but less than itself;
3. Have at least three factors (factors);
4. It is neither 1 nor prime;
5. Non prime numbers with at least one prime factor
The following are the conclusions about composite numbers and some special composite numbers
·A composite number has odd factors if and only if it is a complete square number