How much is minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit equivalent to centigrade? How to convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade?

How much is minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit equivalent to centigrade? How to convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade?

The conversion relationship between centigrade temperature (℃) and Fahrenheit temperature (f) is as follows:
F = 9 / 5 ℃ + 32, or ℃ = 5 / 9 * (f-32)
So minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 5 / 9 * (- 150-32) = - 101.11 degrees Celsius

18 degrees 25 minutes 36 seconds + 22 degrees 43 minutes 45 seconds =?

18 degrees 25 minutes 36 seconds + 22 degrees 43 minutes 45 seconds
=40 degrees 68 minutes 81 seconds
=41 degrees, 9 minutes, 21 seconds
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If 1 = 5, 2 = 15, 3 = 315, 4 = 4315, then what is 5 equal to?


What is 15 - (1 - (- 20-4)) equal to?


How much is 30 * 15% + 20 * 15%,

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-Why is 2-20 equal to 22? To process! To be more detailed!

Add two negative numbers, the result is still negative, the two numbers can be added

(1 + 10%) 5 power is equal to how much calculation process (1 + 15%) 5 power is equal to how much calculation process

(1 + 10%) to the 5th power (first change the percentage into a decimal and then add it to the following formula) = 1.1 to the 5th power (the concept of the 5th power is to multiply a number to the 5th power, as shown in the following formula) = 1.1x1.1x1.1x1.1x1.1 (sum) = 1.61051 (1 + 15%) = 1.15 to the 5th power = 1.15x1.15x1.15x1.1

What are English Monday to Sunday?

Tuesday (Tuesday)
Wednesday (Wednesday)
Thursday (Thursday)

English words from January to December, and weather words from Monday to Sunday?
Today is February 13th, Thursday. It's fine
Don't just copy

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Sunday Monday Tuesday

English words from Monday to Sunday?
