How to solve x divided by 8 minus x divided by 40 = 3.6?

How to solve x divided by 8 minus x divided by 40 = 3.6?


How much is nine


How many radians is 12 degrees

(PI / 15) radians

125 degrees 12 minutes 36 degrees 48 minutes carry


Calculate 42 degrees 48 plus 36 degrees 28

79 degrees 16 minutes

How about one twelfth
I buy things by installments. I pay 6500 a month. I ask for one twelfth every month. How should I calculate one twelfth? How can I calculate a different natural number

Divide 6500 by 12, 6500 / 12 = 541.666666 It's about 542 and 542 per month

What is 7.4222 million mu

One hectare = 15 mu
7422200 mu / 15 mu = 494813.333 ha
One hectare = 10000 square meters
494813.333 ha = 4948133333.3333. M2
The error of the algorithm is too large: 1 mu = 666.666.square meters, about equal to 666.67 square meters

How many meters by how many meters is an acre of land?

It's 25.8 meters by 25.8 meters

One mu of land is equal to how many meters multiplied by how many meters

1 mu = 666.667 M2 = 20 * SQR (15) / 3 * 20 * SQR (15) / 3
Note: SQR is square root, 20 * SQR (15) / 3 is about 25.81988897m
1 m2 = 0.0015 Mu
Hope to adopt (refuse to copy)

How many square kilometers is 220000 mu

220000 Mu = 146 666.667 square meters = 146.667 square kilometers