The diameter of the circle is 3 meters. What's the circumference?

The diameter of the circle is 3 meters. What's the circumference?

Perimeter 3 π = 9.42m

How much RMB is ten thousand dollars equivalent to

According to today's BOC price:
Currency name buying rate in cash buying rate in cash US $682.02676.56
US $10000 in cash = RMB 67656
US $10000 in cash = RMB 68202

How much RMB is 10000 US dollars

US $1 = RMB 6.2279
RMB 1 = US $0.1606
So 10000 US dollars = 62279 RMB yuan
May 8, 2014 17:49:46. Huitong

A plane passes through the origin and is perpendicular to two planes 2x + y-3z = 0, X-Y + Z = 0
Can you draw the figure? Why do you do this?

a=(2,1,-3) b=(1,-1,1)
Let the normal vector of the unknown plane be C, then
C = a times b
c= i j k
2 1 -3
1 -1 1
Plane passing through origin