44% of a number is more than 25% of 24. What's the number? 20% of 5 is equivalent to 25% of a number. What's the number?

44% of a number is more than 25% of 24. What's the number? 20% of 5 is equivalent to 25% of a number. What's the number?

44 / 100 times 1 / 4 plus 5 is 5 and 11 / 100

A number plus 20 percent of 320 equals 200. What's 50 percent of this number


In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 868. Given that the difference is 25 times less than 8 times of the subtracted, how much is the subtraction?

Subtraction + difference = subtracted
Subtraction + difference = 868 △ 2 = 434
Subtraction = (434 + 25) / (8 + 1) = 51

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted you, the subtracted sum and the difference is 868. The known difference is 25 times less than the 8 times of the subtracted, so find the subtraction

Subtracted = 868 / 2 = 434
Subtraction = (434 + 25) / (8 + 1) = 51
Difference = 434-51 = 383

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 868. The known difference is 25 times less than the 8 times of the subtracted. Find the subtraction


In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 868. The known difference is 25 times less than the 8 times of the subtracted. How much is the subtraction?

Let the subtraction be x, the difference be 8x-25, and the subtracted be 9x-25
The subtraction is 51, the subtracted is 434, and the difference is 383

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 720. The difference is one fifth less than the subtracted. What is the difference and what is the subtraction?

Subtracted = subtracted + difference
So subtraction + difference = 720 △ 2 = 360
The difference is one fifth less than the subtraction
Then consider the subtraction as 1, and the difference is 1-1 / 5 = 4 / 5
A: the minus is 200 and the difference is 160

Simple calculation of 18 × (4 / 9 + 5 / 6) process

18 × (4 / 9 + 5 / 6)

How to calculate 11 / 18 × 9-11 / 18 × 6 simply


Nine out of sixteen times 0.3

9/16 × 0.3
=9/16 × 3/10