If the maximum factor of a is 17 and the minimum multiple of B is 1, how many factors are there in the product of a multiplied by B

If the maximum factor of a is 17 and the minimum multiple of B is 1, how many factors are there in the product of a multiplied by B

The maximum factor of all numbers is itself, so a is 17. And B is 1, because only 1x1 is equal to 1. The minimum multiple of no other number is 1.1x17 = 17. Except for 1 and 17, there is no integer multiplication equal to 17. So there are only two factors for a multiplying B

A * B (a is not equal to 0), when B (), the product is greater than a, when B (), the product is equal to 0, when B (), the product is less than a

A * B (a is not equal to 0), when B (> 1), the product is greater than a, when B (= 0), the product is equal to 0, when B (0), the product is greater than a
You haven't learned negative numbers yet. That's it

There are two numbers a and B. if B plus 5 equals a, then the product of the two numbers is 74 more than that of the original two numbers. What is the number B?

B plus 5 equals a
So a = B + 5
From the latter condition, a (B + 5) - AB = 74 is obtained